Looking for a place to stay? Here are some of the hotel contact numbers.
Best Western Cold Lake Inn - 1-866-594-4888
Holiday Inn Express 780-654-3688
Ramada - 780-594-7747
Imperial Inn - 780-594-7133
Lakeshore B&B - 780-639-0000
Waterfront Harbour B&B 780-654-2132
Need mortgage information or a pre-approval? Here are some of the people you can contact.
The Mortgage Centre - Cheryl Smith and Tyler Smith 780-594-1403
TD - Ashley Morris 78-594-4477
Mortgage Centre Elite - Bailey Coates 780-573-0002
RBC - Wendy Coates 780-812-8939
Miranda Morrison - The Mortgage Group - 780-721-0349
Home Inspectors
Here are a couple of choices to help you with your home inspection.
Precision Home Inspection - Jeff Odowichuk
KL Home Inspections - Kevin Lester
Chester Brucks
Lakeland Law Group - Jay Conlin 780-594-7274
Todd Munday - Wood and Munday LLP 780-826-5767
Todd Drake LLP - 780-594-7151
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